Recognizing Resilience.

Meeting People Where They Are

Historically, RS EDEN has been known for our work with individuals who some might refer to as the “most difficult to serve” in our community. When other organizations turn people away, our doors stay open. We will continue to do so.

But we aim to shift the narrative around those we work with. Our participants are not “difficult” or “marginalized”. They are the most resilient individuals and families in our community—those impacted by criminal justice, substance use and/or housing systems. We partner with them to create new pathways and opportunities where established systems historically have fallen short

A Framework for Building on Strengths

& Community Collaboration

Outcomes matter. We want to achieve multi-generational wellbeing for participants and our community. We continue to use industry-standardized metrics like utilization targets, successfully housed people, and progress toward goals to measure these outcomes. But we also hold ourselves accountable to our core principles. The 4 C’s guide our work and decision making.

Comprehensive icon


We meet the complex needs of each participant by responding with an effective continuum of services and supports.



Our services are high quality and high caliber, delivered 365 days, 24/7 with an intensity and dosage tailored to each person and famly’s unique strengths and needs.

Culturally Responsive

Culturally Responsive

Our programs meet the specific needs of the populations served, are trauma-informed, and delivered by team members who reflect those we partner with.

Cross-Sector Support Icon

Cross-Sector Support

We are a connector of systems. We fill gaps and prevent future ones, both internally and community-wide, bringing together diverse perspectives to create the most effective solutions.

Reshaping Our

On-the-Ground Work

We are evolving programs and services to better meet community needs. As we redefine our identity

and reshape impact, we are also realigning organizational structures to achieve our desired

outcomes. Key changes are motivated by:

  • Meeting Clients Where They Are
  • Communicating Horizontally & Vertically
  • Shifting to a Proactive Client Intake Model
  • Breaking Down Organizational Hierarchies

View the Full Re-Imagining Plan

The new RS EDEN continues our work to disrupt systemic forces

  • Substance Use
  • Mental Illness
  • Poverty
  • Discrimination & Racism
  • Criminal Justice

While participants chart their own future and access supportive services.

Services in Housing
Mission-Based PM & Development
Supportive Employment
Recovery SUD Treatment
Reentry Support
Mental Health Services
& More

Join our unwavering commitment

to community wellbeing.

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